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The Apple Reflector (アップルリフレクター, Appuru Rifūrekutā) is the Armored Rider Arms Weapon granted by accessing either Golden Arms or Ringo Arms, along with the Sword Bringer It resembles a shield modeled after a peeled apple When not in combat, the Apple Reflector holds the Sword Bringer in a sheathe on its back Armored Rider Idunn Ringo Arms (Gaim Gaiden Kamen Rider― Apple, New Leaf Apple (アップル, Appuru?, Apple) is a peppy hamster villager in the Animal Crossing series Her name comes from her red fur Her catchphrase is a reference to the term "applecheeked", which is usedThe Ito Ito no Mi is a Parameciatype Devil Fruit that allows the user to create and manipulate strings, making the user a String Human (糸人間, Ito Ningen?)5 It was eaten by the former Warlord of the Sea Donquixote Doflamingo4 Its power was first seen in the Jaya Arc2 and then several times afterward, but not named or explained in any way until the Dressrosa Arc4 1 Etymology 2 White Bryony Facts And Health Benefits